On January 27 we had our first working class where we learned the different notes on a sheet of music. I completely forgot how the notes on the line spell out Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge and the notes between the lines spell D following by FACE. This will certainly help me remember the notes and the order of the notes for future reference. I worked with others who are also playing the recorders on the first three notes (B, A, and G) and worked on the correct positioning of the tongue and lips while playing. I have a wooden recorder and I find it to be a lot quieter and harder to perform the notes that involve more holes being covered, for example the note G. A music professor came into the room and said that wooden recorders are actually better and that I needed to work on it to get better with getting the sound through. As a small group, we watched youtube videos to learn the notes and practiced along with the video. I found the video helpful because we could hear how the notes were supposed to sound compared to how we made them sound. We also took turns playing the recorder on the same note to hear the similarities and differences between our recorders. My goals that I will plan to obtain before the next class that we are working on our growth plan is to learn more notes and play the notes correctly.
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